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Select and listen to sermons below:
Sermon Title: Much To Say
By: Martin Cicero
Date: 5-15-21
Hebrews 5:11-14
There is much for us to learn but sometimes we get lazy and don't make the effort to grow in wisdom and grace. We find ourselves drifting away and not maintaining our faith. We must hold fast to our confession and this is possible when we go beyond the elementary principles to the things that draw us closer to the Creator.
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Sermon Title: Mothers Day 2021
By: Martin Cicero
Date: 5-08-21
Exodus 20:12
Today we will attempt to look at the need to honor our Mother's. We are to do it because "God said so". It is when we obey God and honor our Mother's that we are actually honoring our God and this brings great joy and pleasure to Him.
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Sermon Title: A Priest Forever
By: Martin Cicero
Date: 5-01-21
Hebrews 5:1-10
There is a difference between the priests of Aaron and our great High Priest, Jesus. We will see some of the major differences and then see that Jesus is the source of our eternal salvation and our obedience.
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Sermon Title: Great High Priest
By: Martin Cicero
Date: 4-24-21
Hebrews 4:14-16
In this passage we begin to see that Jesus is the greatest High Priest because He is perfect and He is the Son of God. This should give us a confidence to approach our heavenly Father in a way the Aaronic line of priests never could. We draw near to receive mercy and to find grace to help in our time of need.
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Sermon Title: Word Of God
By: Martin Cicero
Date: 4-17-21
Hebrews 4:12-13
(approx 33 min.) Today we saw that the Word of God is powerful or as the writer to the Hebrews tells us God's Word is living and active. When combined with faith and obedience God's Word changes one life at a time for the good. He compares God's Word to a two-edged sword and how it can separate for us evil from the good God has for us.
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Sermon Title: Riches Of God
By: Kyle Sheffield
Date: 4-10-2021
MATTHEW 19:16-26
Money isn't everything, but sometimes we value money and wealth over the eternal riches God has in store for us. Today's study focuses on the power of God's Word and His available power to save us from our broken condition.
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Sermon Title: Entering His Rest
By: Martin Cicero
Date: 4-03-2021
Hebrews 4:1-11
Last week we saw that rest had three applications and today we will look at what that means for our lives. The promise is still available today for those who will accept it by faith. Hearing the gospel message is not enough, we must accept it and diligently pursue it by faith. Seek to enter His rest today and for all eternity.
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Sermon Title: Rest
By: Martin Cicero
Date: 3-27-21
Hebrews 4:1-11
There is a promise of entering God's rest. So what does it mean to "rest" and who is eligible for His rest and is their more than one kind of rest? And what does fear have to do with rest? Let’s look and see.
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Sermon Title: n Remembrance Of Me
By: Martin Cicero
Date: 3-20-2021
1 Corinthians 11:23-26
This is the time of year in which we look inward to do our spring cleaning. We want to be right when it comes time to remember what our Savior did for us through the taking of the emblems (bread and fruit of the vine). We must also take time to understand what all the Son of God has done for us.
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Sermon Title: Take Care
By: Martin Cicero
Date: 3-13-2021
Hebrews 3:12-19
We are now into the heart of the second warning to take care that we don't allow our hearts to become hardened because of unbelief. This is a daily reminder that we must put our trust in God each and every day of our lives. We are to live for more than ourselves, we are to live for the betterment our brothers and sisters in Christ.
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