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Sermon Title: Witness With A Warning
By: Martin Cicero
Date: 01-08-22
Mark 16:15-16
Most of us are afraid to share our faith with others and when we do it is always about eternal life. No one ever wants to hear about the other side of the coin. It all comes down to two things, 1) will you obey the commands of God and 2) do you love your Savior enough to tell others about Him.
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Sermon Title: My Witness
By: Martin Cicero
Date: 01-01-22
Acts 1:1 - 11

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Sermon Title: Conduct Ourselves Honorably
By: Martin Cicero
Date: 12-18-21
Hebrews 13:18-25
As we conclude the book of Hebrews we are asked to Pray, to have a 'good conscience' and to desire conduct ourselves in an honorable fashion. We must rely on the Great Shepherd that has brought us the Eternal Covenant and will equip us with all we need to successfully complete the mission He has given us.

Sermon Title: My Sacrifice
By: Martin Cicero
Date: 12-11-21
Hebrews 13:7-17
We learn what it means to be a member of the fellowship of believers and what it means to be a leader. We see that our lives are to be a continual living sacrifice to our Creator and God. We are also taught not to be carried away by false teachings as we journey to the Lasting City that awaits our arrival.
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Sermon Title: Faith In Action
By: Martin Cicero
Date: 12-04-21
Hebrews 13:1-6
As we approach the last chapter of Hebrews we discover a series of bullet points in which show others of our faith in God. We are to love the family of God, we are to practice hospitality, we are to remembering the persecuted and suffering, to keep Marriage honorable and we are to be free of the love of money. We must learn to be content in Christ.
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Sermon Title: The Unshakable Kingdom
By: Martin Cicero
Date: 11-17-21
Hebrews 12:18-29
We see the difference between Mount Sinai and Mount Zion. We see that one of them was terrifying and the other brought a new and better covenant. We must listen to Jesus if we don't want to return to Mount Sinai. A time is coming when the earth will be shaken again and we will see His eternal and unshakable kingdom.
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Sermon Title: Fix Your Eyes On Jesus
By: Martin Cicero
Date: 11-20-21
Hebrews 12:1-17
Christianity is more than a belief, it is belief in action. We are to run the race keeping our eyes focused on the one who has gone before. We must also get rid of things that side track us and keep us from pursuing our eternal reward.
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Sermon Title: Gaining Approval Through Faith
By: Martin Cicero
Date: 11-13-21
Hebrews 11:32-40
Today we briefly look at the end of the list and begin to realize that this is all about preparing us for tough times and encouraging us to stand strong, refusing to compromise, because our reward is worth anything we have to go through before arriving at the home we were promised years ago.
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Sermon Title: Living By Faith
By: Martin Cicero
Date: 11-06-21
Hebrews 11:23-31
Today we look at the lives of Moses' parents, Moses, the children of Israel and Rahab. We see a faith in God that carries each of them through the tough times and we realize that God's love and blessings and power are for all that trust and obey
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Sermon Title: Faith Is Patient
By: Martin Cicero
Date: 10-30-21
Hebrews 11:8-22
Today we see the patient faith of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph. Each waited to see a piece of the promise fulfilled in their lifetime and they died with great expectation that their deaths would not end the promised completion yet to come.
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