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Select and listen to sermons below:
Sermon Title: Getting It Right
By: Martin Cicero
Date: 10-10-2020
Joshua 8:1-35
Israel learned that even the easiest of things should not be done on their own. It is always wise to take everything to the Lord in prayer. It is then that God can use our mistakes and failures and use them for God. We are always a success when we walk, talk and act as Jesus did as he walked this earth.
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Sermon Title: Falling Away
By: Kyle Sheffield
Date: 10-03-2020
Hebrews 6:1-12
We are seeing people fall away from the faith daily. We are all at risk of falling away, and we need to be diligent in our growth in God to avoid the danger. The focus of this message is to encourage anyone who is struggling in their faith and to remind us all to return to God.
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Sermon Title: Praying For Our Nation Part 2
By: Martin Cicero
Date: 09-26-2020
Romans 1:21-32
Prayer is the key to having God heal our nation but there are other things that we can do in addition to praying. We can research the candidates and issues and vote wisely. We can also engage our community and give some of our time to help others.
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Sermon Title: Praying For Our Nation
By: Martin Cicero
Date: 09-19-2020
Daniel 9:1-19
As a country we were originally graced by God. As time progressed we fell away from God and are experiencing the consequences of rejecting Him. As Daniel prayed for his people and his land so we must pray for ours. It is time to confess our sins and plead with God for His mercy and grace.
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Sermon Title: Setbacks
By: Martin Cicero
Date: 09-12-2020
Joshua 7:1-26
There are times in our lives that secret sins derail us from accomplishing the things of God. We cannot hide anything from God and so it is best to get ruthless with these sins so that we can walk with God and enjoy all He has for us.
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Sermon Title: Managing Crises
By: Kyle Sheffield
Date: 09-05-2020
2 Chronicles 20
The Bible is full of stories that inspire and instruct us. One story, that of Jehoshaphat, shows us how we can respond in times of crisis. The key? Relying on God to get us through.
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Sermon Title: Destroying Strongholds
By: Martin Cicero
Date: 08-29-2020
Joshua 6:1-27
Joshua learned to listen, believe, obey and then watch God work. The walls of Jericho came down and so can the strongholds in our lives. We have an enemy that is deceptive and a liar but with God in the center of our lives we can defeat our enemy every time.
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Sermon Title: Preparing For Victory
By: Martin Cicero
Date: 08-21-2020
Joshua 5
Joshua and the children of Israel have crossed the Jordan River on dry ground. The locals are terrified and God's people are pumped. It's time to move but God puts the brakes on. What can we learn from waiting when we are ready to go?
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Sermon Title: Crossing The Jordan
By: Martin Cicero
Date: 08-15-2020
Joshua 3-4
It is now time to trust God. What is being asked of Joshua and the children of Israel is impossible on their own. With God the amazing is about to happen. Without God there is aimless wandering and even slavery. With God life will not be dull.
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Sermon Title: Unlikely Help
By: Martin Cicero
Date: 08-08-2020
Joshua 2:1-24
Joshua sends spies into Jericho and they stay with a prostitute (Rahab). She believes and shows kindness to the spies hoping they will show a kindness to her and her family. The spies agree but there are requirements that must be met for the agreement to stand.
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